Friday, October 25, 2013

Max Richter

I discovered Max Richter quite by accident last night. I instantly rank him as a modern great composer, right along with the likes of Hans Zimmer and Phillip Glass. I was building a "go to sleep" playlist, and I dropped several songs from "Prometheus" the science fiction movie. I heard the song Sarajevo, and was literally stunned by how beautifully raw but subtle it was (and the photograph on the album cover is something I would have done)... with headphones... simply overwhelming... :

Max Richter actually worked with Phillip Glass and others orchestrally, but eventually he has branched off into his own work. He has some very unique creations that simply defy definition. I also love how he integrates poetry and writing selections into his work.

Max Richter... Wikipedia 

Not to mention, I discovered he was the composer behind the haunting trailer that I loved for a video game called "The Secret World"... lol I love it when I discover something like this unexpectedly... I discovered Phillip Glass through Battle Star Galatica...

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