Sunday, December 20, 2015

State of the Union

A comprehensive decadence

Gains upon the world.

Interest mounts

Securities of the heart erode

Small things increase in weight

Tolls & taxes, geometric progression.

Leaden clouds are full of iron bullets

Dust rolls across empty fields

Neglect of courtesy prevails,

A preoccupation to oligarchic trivium

Devastates the revenue of our souls.


Sublimity stands naked in the rain

While vapid triviality is hailed.


Who will save us?

Where  are the heroes?

Larger than life, fresh from a fight?



Air guitar flexing

Metro-skinny-jeans-roundhouse kicking

Scott Pilgrim is our hero.

I looked on Google for Greeks & Spartans,

But Achilles was selling real estate,

And Leonidas drives for Dominoes.

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