Tuesday, December 10, 2013


I am so stupid.

I begged for my Katsumoto when I first arrived in Kuwait.
I whined for my teacher to appear.


Then, when I have a literal Masterchief kicking my ass daily and trying to teach me to fight, I was acting like a little bitch.

Yeah, I am fucking ready Sensei... bring the god damn pain.

I am ready now.

Wow. wow.

And yes, back on the damn field.

Love this video of the Punisher.

I think it's time to leave the loveboat and join fight club...

Hell yeah. Not sure quite how it all fits together, but I'm going to focus on what has always been a driving force from deep within.

Not sure, but one of the rules of fight club is or should be, you are not allowed to quit the fight.

My laundry is clean now, and I don't need a shirt to validate my identity or purpose.

Yeah, he launched at them with a bottle full of Spirit. lol

Of course, it would be Jack Daniels....

I mean, I should be actually really grateful:

I am in a unit named after the 300 Spartans because we have a really tough mission and
right now are outnumbered 10-1... I have a retired Masterchief who is my battlebuddy and literally calls me his wingman... a certified bad-ass who has told me I have the chops to accomplish this mission... he is teaching my stubborn ass new lessons every day...

No more sick and wounded Captain limping around and lying in the mud trying to pick up swords...

I just got on my horse and pulled my sword out of the ground from where I threw it.

I am finally riding next to Katsumoto...

Yes! This will be good!


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