Sunday, November 29, 2015

Gingko biloba on the mind

After a recent walk across a carpet of golden gingko biloba leaves, I began a new project last night. Let the paint fly! And it has...

I like it a lot, but still a lot farther to go... It's good. Keeps me occupied when I can't sleep or when the mundane daily shit Accumulates too much. 

So much has happened the last year. Damn. 

Got a long way to go, but that's cool. I will kick ass... Eventually, but inevitably. Thank the gods for art!

I just can't get rid of gingko biloba, or this  gobekli tepe pain in my heart. Damn myself for my stupidity, my over romantic emotionalism. Damn her for not being unreasonable and illogical... I wish on every shooting star I've seen that  she had fallen in love with me just as much as I had fallen in love with her.

Son of a bitch. Not cool.

Nope, not at all.

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