Sunday, July 17, 2016

There Were Dinosaurs Here Once

There were dinosaurs here once, 
When earth was young & green  
Jungle ferns along Triassic seas;
Now just a roaming wind
Tilted fence post fields 
Empty sky with several clouds;
Deep ocean mountains loom 
Tidalwave wall, white foam cap horizon.
This is lonely place 
A long story without breath yet lacking punctuation.
Orange cones guard late model trucks
Tired work crews fix broken roads
A brutal sun beats on tired hills
A skinny deer eats faded grass
Mute witness to highway marker 59.
These are vanishing points of history
Forgotten woodbore termite tracks through time 
Insignia of nature's nonsyllabic passage 
Petrified eternity, frozen centuries domino stacked in line.

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