Tuesday, June 16, 2020


Everything we do ripples across multiple dimensions, times, and magnitudes of existence. This is not conjectural. This is happening right now. Especially now.

The battle is not one side against another. And we are NOT powerless or too small to make a difference.

This struggle is right in front of us.
It's WITHIN us.


Every second, we have a vote.
Every action, every decision- is an opportunity to throw the momentum towards either GOOD or EVIL. 

It's a running quantum tally.

While you live in the arena, LIVE WELL for GOOD! 

NEVER underestimate the effect of your life in the grand scheme, nor the cumulative, exponential effects from millions who live for others. We are a team- both now and across generations, including our FUTURE and PAST selves. 

The Inception clip is a great example of what happens in each dimension. It also illustrates what happens GENERATIONALLY. 

We are infinite beings who are relegated to finite time. Hence, we can only VISUALIZE what is actually happening OUTSIDE of time. 

Each timeline exerts distinct effects on subsequent timelines, which are actually all propagating AT THE SAME TIME...NO TIME.... ETC. 

My current hypothesis is we are unfortunately propagating chaos on every timeline, but if we could initiate a synchronized, holistic unity of positive being on this current timeline, for a long enough state of being to attain equilibrium (3-4 generations), all timelines would reduce down to one single timeline that would sustain indefinitely with holistic positivity.

Theoretically, we could achieve peace on earth and end this madness- barring reintroduction of chaos from an adversary extant system integity.

Finally, if we aspire to continue our growth into true human beings, we must accept, no- EXPECT times when the situation appears hopeless. 

How else will our faith and hope be tested? 

When we face such times, we must listen to discern true guidance, mount up and then ride out. Even if there are hordes of evil and nothing but dark storms everywhere.

When we ride out:

We are executing our mission without guarentee of positive outcome. 

We are assuming risk but trusting that the Creator and the universe will meet us in the middle. 

It is this action which builds our faith and strengthens our core beliefs. 

The challenge is not the outcome.

The challenge is ignoring the logical negative outcome by being obedient to our immediate and critical imperatives.

In the Lord of the Rings, King Theoden despairs, but Aragon challenges him to ride out. 

The king rallies, but still focuses on heroic self immolation, blood, iron, and a blaze of glory. 

Aragon again course corrects: 

Do it for your PEOPLE, for the kiddos! 
Essentially- Fight for your family! For your tribe! For your community!

So they ride out to certain death, but with glad and bold hearts.

Only when they have ridden out and are focused on this simple mission of protecting the people does the Calvary arrive with the light. 

Light can arrive whenever it wants, but sometimes only after we prove we can face the darkness without promise of dawn.

Yet, even within all this profound mystery and greatest gladiatorial challenge, all that actually matters is what we CHOOSE to believe and do, right NOW. 

Whether it is tucking in our kids or saying we're sorry to our partner or forgiving that dude who cut us off on the freeway.

That's how we win. 

It's not about saving the Titanic.

It's how we choose to act in our last hour of life. Life is infinite, but our time in this Earth NOW is short. So live each hour as our last hour.

Were we selfish & panicked, or did we act with honor and kindness?

Make those decisions. 
Keep going. Keep crossing rivers.
Ride out!
